COVID19: Adopt a family for three months

The Belgian originated “Denis Heilporn” Foundation, active in Marquetalia Colombia since 2010 is working to alleviate hunger during the COVID19 pandemic.

Following mandatory confinement ordered by the Colombian Government, the  Foundation  suspended its educational and sport activities on 22nd March. The efforts has shifted to food supply as hunger is becoming critical.

With the pandemic, poverty levels strained by a two-year inflow of desolated Venezuelan immigrants has turned to a critical point as the halt in tourism eliminated the only economic activity of the village. The lack of income coupled with mandatory confinement is leading to shortages of food supplies. Already about sixty families are in absolute necessity.

To help address this crisis the administrator of the Foundation and his wife are committed to source food in the nearby city of Santa Marta (80kms) and deliver a bag of basic staples to 60 households every fortnight (i.e. rice, beans, lentils, oil, milk powder, salt, sugar, etc.).

A test delivery was made on 4th April financed with the available resources of the foundation.

To finance the next deliveries we need your help. We invite you to consider ‘adopting a family’ during 3 months. The two monthly deliveries cost 30€ per month per family (including transport cost to source and deliver). You can help by making a 30€ contribution per month for three months (until the end of June) or a global contribution of 90€.

The delivery costs were reduced to €30 thanks to the contribution of the Colombian army who are supporting us with the transportation. The local distribution to each family is organised by our employee in Marquetalia.

The families and their children will greatly appreciate your generosity and solidarity.