2020 recap and outlook

2020 recap and outlook

Dear Friends,

We wish you a Happy New Year!

Thanks to your solidarity and support we were able to help the most vulnerable families and their children through this very hard 2020. Furthermore, the various projects we could launch make us hopeful that the community will sustain this crisis and beyond.

In the past 12 months we were able to help like never before. Below a small summary of our work in 2020:

  • 660 COVID-19 food boxes have been distributed to 60 families with a total of 248 persons over the last 9 months.
  • 6000 face masks have been distributed along the Caribbean coast between Santa Marta and Palomino in order to support the protection of the local communities against the virus. The masks were generously donated by Caravacaro Group.
  • In 2020 we started various construction projects, which are delayed due to a shift in priorities because of the pandemic.
    • Enlargement of the library
    • Educational space for homework support and classroom activities
    • Guesthouse for volunteers

In 2021 we are planning to work on the following projects:

  • Completion of the construction projects – view more
  • A garden for everyone – Education in gardening to help the people become self-sufficient – view more
  • Plantation of fruit trees for the families in Marquetalia – view more
  • High school graduation support for children with learning problems – view more

We are extremely grateful for every contribution and to see how we can progress and help the children thanks to your support.

In the name of the children of the foundation, infinite thanks to each and every one of you.

To read our full newsletter click on the document below: