At the beginning of the year 2024, we are pleased to report on the outcomes of our efforts during the last months.

Feb 04, 2024April 14, 2024
In the remote villages of Palomino, Northern Colombia, the population was living under the constant fear of paramilitary activity and people being forcibly displaced for a long time. Still today it is characterised by poverty and a general lack of perspective. Tourism has brought some economic activity in the recent years. However, following the crisis in Venezuela, the numbers of incoming Venezuelan refugees has skyrocketed, which has affected these border regions in particular.
Children are often home alone or in the streets as they have nothing to play with and often struggle at school. Their parents lack the educational background and thus, have limited possibilities to support them. Basic needs such as a quiet spot to do their homework or toys that support their intellectual development are missing, leaving the children bored and frustrated in the streets. They have little perspectives for their own future leading into a downward spiral of getting involved in criminal activities or becoming parents at a very young age too and then the cycle starts to repeat with their own children.
The foundation aims to educate the children of the village so that they can have a better future. Ten years ago we built a nursery and later a playroom. This has allowed us to get to know the children better and we realised the need for teh parents to become more involved in the academic life of the youngsters. Nevertheless, some vulnerable families with low levels of education, poverty, and socio-economic problems led some their kids between 9 and 14 years old to drop out of school.
We put all our energy in recovering the schooling of these children to prevent them from being condemned to a future without options. Thus, in February 2021, we were lucky enough to meet the directors of CAN PACK COLOMBIA, who became aware of this community and approved the educational project “Finish your high school”. You will find more details here.
Our infinite thanks to CAN PACK COLOMBIA, on behalf of the children, parents and teachers of the school for the financing of the project that has allowed 16 children to return to school in 2021 and to recover all the subjects they had lost.
In 2007, Denis Heilporn, a Belgian citizen, started social work in the area by providing daily meals to children. Sadly, Denis Heilporn passed away in 2009 and Javier Palacio initiated the foundation in his honor, following the request of his mother Andrée Heilporn Marissal. His initiative has grown over the years and today we employ local staff as well as provide the necessary facilities in order to create a perspective for the ones in need. We aim to keep administrative cost to an absolute minimum, donations go directly to the local community of Marquetalia. Javier runs the foundation ad honorem and all efforts in connection with the foundation are fully voluntary. With the generous support of donors we are able to give them access to educational books, toys and basic healthcare.